The PaperPine Trades
The PaperPine Trades is one of the largest international waste paper and stock lot exporter specialist.

Paper Recycling
The PaperPine Trades chooses for quality over quantity! Our Company specializes in particular in trading of waste paper for the paper industry. Paper and board products are essential elements of today’s society & most of them can be recovered by recycling process of paper. Market demand, coupled with environmental legislation & the increasing cost of waste disposal emphasizes the need for recycling.

Paper Trading
The PaperPine Trades has a unique trading spirit built on years of experience, specialization, and know-how. Our expertise lies in getting quality materials through our established network of suppliers. We trade in all grades of waste papers with high quality parameter. We have developed strong and excellent relationship with our clients and paper mills who supports our business. We have developed good reputation with the paper mills due to timely shipments.

Paper Grades
The PaperPine Trades understands the requirements of our clients and deliver the specific suited grades with thorough study & assessment of International market. We supply various grades of waste paper (OCC, BBC, Mix Waste, SOP, POC, Cup cuttings, HWS, Multigrade and many more) as raw material to leading paper mills. We try to offer superior quality products at competitive prices.
Go Green. Save Paper. Save Tree.

Print What You Need

Use E-books

Use double Sided Printing

Use selective Printing When using web printing

Print multiple slides in single page

Recycle paper
Make each Day, Earth Day!
The environment is where we all meet; where all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.
Grow Trees
Recycle Paper
Save Environment, Recycle Paper
“Every 3000 sheets of paper costs us a TREE, So, consider the impat of using paper on the Environment.”
Largest Search Engine
“Computers save time but they sure waste a lot of paper, About 98% of prints by computer is not read by anyone.”
Andy Rooney
American Radio and Television Writer
“If civilization has risen from the Stone Age, it can rise again from the Wastepaper Age.”
Jacques Barzun
The House of Intellect, 1959
“From today, use the Waste Paper more than Pulp. Save Environment Through Recycling – Grow More Trees”
Nirav Bhojak